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Sri Lanka become 163rd State Party to Assent UN Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty



Sri Lanka become 163rd State Party to Assent United Nations Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty

At the 20th Anniversary event of the Ottawa Convention entitled A World Free of Landmines at the United Nation in New York.

Sri Lanka on 13th December 2017 became the 163rd country to agree to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention or Ottawa Convention at the UN.

Sri Lanka fulfilled the consent made in 2016 to join the international community in supporting the ongoing landmine clearance program.  

Amrith Rohan Perera, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations made a brief intervention welcoming the initiative taken by the countries for the Missions in making the Ottawa treaty an actuality.

The Mine Ban Treaty was introduced in 1997 and came into existence on March 1, 1999. This treaty bans the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of antipersonnel mines.

As per the report by International Campaign to Ban Landmines last year remnants of war casualties reported in which over 2,000 people were injured or killed.


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