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Nuclear 'Doomsday Clock': Introduction, History, Organisation, Objectives, Importance



What is the 'Doomsday Clock', and what it is used for? History, Establishment, and Purpose

In the year 1945, when the US drowned a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, two major cities of Japan during World War II, scientists felt that the use of such dangerous weapons could end this world only in just a few minutes.
Therefore, scientists of the world were worried that at the time to come, atomic bombs like weapons would be made to every country of the world.

This devastating development forced him to think that they should make a clock and record the challenges of destruction present in front of the earth and warn the world about which functions of humans can cause the end to the earth Are there.

For this purpose, a team of 15 scientists (including scientist Stephen Hawking) created an organization called The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The organization of scientists does the job of pushing Doomsday Clock forward.

Doomsday Clock is a symbolic moment that reveals the possibility of global catastrophe due to human activities. In it, it is 12 that means that the world can end at any time. The first time in Doomsday Clock was set 7 minutes before the 12th of the night in 1947.


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