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INSPIRE Programme (Dept of Science & Technology): Opportunity for science students



An inspiration and opportunity to search talent in Science  

Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is an innovative programme sponsored and managed by the Department of Science & Technology for the attraction of talent to Science. 

Every year two lakh school children in the age group of 10 to 15 years i.e., 6th to 10th standards are being identified for the INSPIRE Award. Each INSPIRE Award envisions an investment of Rs.5,000/- per child. The scheme plans to reach at least two students per secondary school during the next five years.

The basic objective of INSPIRE is to communicate to the youth of the country the excitements of creative pursuit of science, attract talent to the study of science at an early age and thus build the required critical human resource pool for strengthening and expanding the Science & Technology system and R&D base.

The strength of the innovation infrastructure of a nation has enormous significance in the competition among emerging knowledge economies. The realization of Vision 2020 calls for action and a well-designed innovation infrastructure.

INSPIRE fellowship aims at enhancing research fellowships for doctoral studies and opening up partnerships with the private sector for topping the Government's efforts in nurturing talents for scientific research. This scheme is applicable to Basic and Applied sciences as well as Medicine, Agriculture etc. with the provision of multiple entries.

INSPIRE Faculty Scheme opens up an Assured Opportunity for Research Career (AORC) for young researchers in the age group of 27-32 years. The Scheme offers contractual research positions. It provides career opportunities, but it is not a guarantee for tenure positions after 5 years.


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