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Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) GK, Current Affairs, News

GW170817 proves gravitational waves give colliding neutron stars with GRB

LIGO and VIRGO observations from GW170817 uncovers Gama Ray bursts mystery, opens ways to explore astronomy of neutron stars For the first time, scientists around the world able to photograph a ...

Nobel Prize 2017 in Physics goes to scientists discover gravitational waves

Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish and Kip Thorne get Nobel Prize in Physics for year 2017 for discovering Gravitational Waves Nobel Prize in Physics marked the importance of research in the field ...

Gravitational waves detected for the fourth time LIGO and VIRGO across globe

The scientist has announced that gravitational waves detected for the fourth time by observatories on either side of the world  Scientists have detected a fourth gravitational wave signal coming from the ...

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