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Landforms GK, Current Affairs, News

Geography: Different Landforms in India and feature of earth's surface

Geography: Four major types of Landforms in India and feature of earth's surface Landforms of terrestrial features on the earth’s surface formed by the process of volcanic activity, movement of tectonic ...

Coastal Geomorphology: definition ,coastal region and evolution of tindia

Geography: Coastal Geomorphology definition, geomorphic process, coastal region and evolution of India Coastal geomorphology, by definition, is the study of the morphological development and evolution of the coast as it acts ...

Geography: Glacial Landforms, Erosional and Depositional

Geography:  Depositional Land Forms of Glacier, Erosional Landforms of Glacier The land-forms which are created due to the action of glaciers are called glacial landforms. The glacial landforms can be of two ...

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