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ICF vs LHB coaches features, Maintenance, Safety, Travel comfort comparison



Integral Coach Factory (ICF) coaches and Link-Hofmann-Busch coach history, speed, travel, safety features comparison

Indian Railways has deployed two types of passenger coaches on various routes across the country. ICF and LHB are those two types of coaches in use. The two types of coaches are different in their composition, manufacturing, maintenance, safety, and comfort level.

Following are main points to distinguish two coaches on speed, safety, and maintenance fronts:

ICF coaches are blue or light blue in color. LHB Coaches are red in color.
ICF coaches production started in Indian in 1952 at Chennai, Tamilnadu. LHB Coaches' production started in India in 2000 at Kapurthala in the same year of its launch in Germany.
The blue-colored ICF coach is made of steel, hence it weighs more. LHB coaches are made of stainless steel hence they are lightweight. Its weight is about 10 percent less than the ICF coach.
Air brakes are used in ICF coaches, so after applying brakes, the train stops at a long distance. Disc brakes are used in LHB coaches so it stops in very short distance
 ICF coaches have fewer seats than LHB coaches.  LHB COaches are longer with more seats for passengers.


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