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IOC Biogas Plant in Punjab to Produce Biogas from bacteria from Waste Bio products



Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Bio gas Plant bacteria producing biogas (biofuel) from waste bioproducts

Kitchen and Vegetable market waste will be used by Indian Oil Corporation Limited(IOC) to make Biogas. The company has created bacteria in their research centre that will help them to create Biogas.

On daily basis, 5 thousand ton of waste is collected that be converted into 250 Kg Biogas that is equal to 18 cylinder gas and manure will be prepared. The plant will be going to made in Punjab.

Children Midday mill and Sheetla Mata temple food preparation will be made by this Biogas. IOC has demanded 2500-3000 square feet from Municipal Corporation. In Faridabad, the same technology has been planted at the cost of Rs 3.45 crore. Production will start from that plant in March next year.

The responsibility of providing organic and kitchen waste will be given to the municipal corporation. Composting will be prepared by mixing pandals, hotels, dhabas and home-based food, garbage from vegetable market etc. In the second phase, wet manure will be ready. After drying it, special bacteria prepared at the Indian Oil Research Center will be left in it. After making the gas compost fodder will be made from leftover leftovers. That manure will be used to beat the city's parks and greenbelts. 

About 5 tonnes of this kind of waste will be provided by the municipal corporation. EcoGreen, the company in the waste picking company, will also get help in this regard.


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