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Glide Bomb GK, Current Affairs, News

What is lightweight Glide bomb SAAW (Smart Anti Airfield Weapon)

What is lightweight Glide bomb SAAW (Smart Anti Airfield Weapon) Glide bomb is a lightweight long-range precision-guided anti-airfield weapon, designed to destroy ground targets such as runways, bunkers, aircraft hangers and ...

Keys Highlight: Indigenous development lightweight Glide bomb

Key features of Indigenously development lightweight Glide bomb testes in Chandipur, Odisha Indigenously development lightweight Glide bomb has been successfully tested in Chandipur, Odisha. The development marks a major milestone in ...

India's indigenous lightweight Glide bomb features, role in war

India successfully testes its indigenous development, lightweight Glide bomb The Union Government announced that an indigenous development lightweight Glide bomb has been successfully tested in Chandipur, Odisha. The development marks a major ...

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