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Genetics GK, Current Affairs, News

Biology: Genetic disorder, chromosomes and autosomes

Biology: Genetic disorder,  sex-determining mechanism chromosomes, pregnancy, and autosomes Genetic disorder has already been mentioned that the sex-determining mechanism in case of humans is XY type. Out of 23 pairs of ...

Biology: DNA fingerprint, Genetics, Education, Discovery, and Technique

Biology: The fingerprints of each individual differ from another and can be used to identify them, the DNA fingerprinting technique is used to identify individuals. Nowadays, DNA fingerprinting is also called DNA profiling. The entire genome of a person ...

Mutation: Definition, Genetic algorithm, testing, and theory

Mutation: Definition, Genetic algorithm, testing, and theory Mutation is a substitution of a genetic sequence. Mutations incorporate shifts as inadequate as the replacement of a particular DNA structure block, or nucleotide ...

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