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Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) GK, Current Affairs, News

Biology: DNA fingerprint, Genetics, Education, Discovery, and Technique

Biology: The fingerprints of each individual differ from another and can be used to identify them, the DNA fingerprinting technique is used to identify individuals. Nowadays, DNA fingerprinting is also called DNA profiling. The entire genome of a person ...

Chromosome: Definition, Types, Structure, Functions, Role, Significance

Chromosomes: Introduction, Types of chromosomes, roles in the cell, works, and importance A chromosome is a single, long fragment of DNA. These highly standardized structures conserve genetic information in living organisms. ...

Histone Protein: Type, Structure, Function, Role, Importance for DNA

Histone Proteins: Introduction, Types, Works, Chemical & Physical properties, Significance Histones are a family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. Nuclear ...

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