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Global Hunger Index (GHI) calculation in three steps



Calculation of Global Hunger Index in three steps, step-by-step details

Firstly the values of four indicators is calculated available from the determined data of the country to calculate Global Hunger index.

The four indicators are-the percentage of population that is undernourished, percentage of children under five years old suffering from wasting, percentage of children under five years suffering from stunting and percentage of child mortality before 5 years.

Calculation is done on the basis of 100 starting from 0, 100 means worst 0 means best

Secondly, each of the indicators are given standard scores based on the level sets slightly above the highest country level values observed worldwide.

Thirdly, the standardised scores are aggregated to calculate Global Hunger Index of every country.

The calculation result is based on 100 point scale where 0 is the best score resulting from no hunger and 100 of the worst score resulting from extensive hunger in the country.

If a country has 100 score this means that country has undernourishment, child wasting, child stunting and child mortality levels in recent decades.


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