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MNRE Announced To Set 30 GW Offshore Wind Target By 2030



Ministry of New and Renewable Energy  Announced To Set 30 GW Offshore Wind Target By 2030 Details

Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has announced to set up the medium (5 GW by 2022) and long-term (30 GW by 2030) targets for offshore wind power capacity addition. The offshore wind power will add a new element to already existing basket of renewable energy of the country.

The target set for offshore wind power is moderate in comparison to on-shore wind target of 60 GW and its achievement of 34 GW and solar target of 100 GW by 2022. This is mainly because of challenges considering difficulties in installing large wind power turbines in open seas. Moreover, offshore wind turbines are of much larger dimensions and capacities than onshore turbines.

Globally the installation capacity of off-shore wind power is about 17 to 18 GW. It led by countries such as UK, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands & China. Recent years have witnessed fall in off-shore wind tariff in some of these markets.

MNRE had notified National Offshore Wind Energy Policy in October 2015 for this sector. Under it, Chennai based National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) was designated nodal agency to carry out necessary studies and surveys before final bidding of offshore wind project sites.

It will also serve as a single window for facilitating necessary clearances required for the development of offshore wind projects.

NIWE had identified southern tip of Indian peninsula and west coast with good potential for off-shore wind power.


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