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Chromosome GK, Current Affairs, News

Biology: Genetic disorder, chromosomes and autosomes

Biology: Genetic disorder,  sex-determining mechanism chromosomes, pregnancy, and autosomes Genetic disorder has already been mentioned that the sex-determining mechanism in case of humans is XY type. Out of 23 pairs of ...

Chromosome: Definition, Types, Structure, Functions, Role, Significance

Chromosomes: Introduction, Types of chromosomes, roles in the cell, works, and importance A chromosome is a single, long fragment of DNA. These highly standardized structures conserve genetic information in living organisms. ...

Histone Protein: Type, Structure, Function, Role, Importance for DNA

Histone Proteins: Introduction, Types, Works, Chemical & Physical properties, Significance Histones are a family of basic proteins that associate with DNA in the nucleus and help condense it into chromatin. Nuclear ...

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